Black holes are the holes in the space. The gravity at the black hole is so high, even light can't get out through the black hole. A black hole is just like a sun that is compressed with the same mass into a small planet. They are more dense objects. Black holes are formed when a star is dying in the space. They are invisible. Space telescope can be used to see these black holes in the space. Albert Einstein predicted the presence of black holes by his ''General theory of relativity''.
Black holes may be big or small. The smallest black hole has a size of one atom. These are tiny in the space. Another kind is Stellar which masses about 20 times of the Sun's mass. The largest black holes are called as Supermassive black holes. Its mass is about 1 million Sun's mass. The Milky Way Galaxy has Sagittarius A, a Stellar black hole. Its mass is about 4 million Sun's mass. The term ''Blackhole'' was coined by John Wheeler.
Stellar is formed when a big star is fall upon itself or collapses. Then, it is called a Supernova. We can Black holes if when a black hole and a star is close. Then, there is a high energy light is formed. Human eyes can't see these high energy lights, but we can use satellites and telescopes to see these high energy lights.
In 2019, Event Horizon has released the first-ever image of a black hole which is a black hole of GALAXY M87.
Black holes are of three types. They are Stellar, Supermassive and Intermediate black holes.
Stellar Blackhole
These are formed when a star burns through its last fuel, may collapses or fall upon itself. The new core will be a neutron star or a white dwarf. Then to compress and form a Stellar blackhole. They are small but they are highly dense. They consume specks of dust and gases from the surroundings and start growing up.
Supermassive Blackhole
These are formed when enormous black holes collapse, their mass is about billion times of Sun's mass. These lie in the centre of the galaxy, including Milky way galaxy. These giants are developed from the dust and gases around them, then their position in centre paved the way for growing more enormous size.
They also formed when hundreds and thousands of tiny black holes merge together. The large gas clouds are responsible for collapsing of Stellar black holes and the stars. They may also arise from large clusters of dark matters.
Intermediate Blackhole
They are medium-sized black holes. They are formed when a Stars in clusters collides, forming chain reactions.
In 2014, Intermediate mass black hole has an arm of the spiral galaxy was observed. These are the heart of the dwarf galaxies.
Blackholes have three layers, they are inner, outer and singularity layers. The event horizon is a boundary around the mouth of the black hole. Gravity is constant at the Event horizon. The inner region, where the object's mass lie is called a singularity.The single point in space, where the mass of the black hole is concentrated.
Binary black holes were observed by LIGO, in 2015. These are formed when two black holes spin in the same or opposite directions.
*Note: The images in this post may or may not relevant to the topics.
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