Top 5 diseses
First of all, we may know many diseases like flu, chickenpox, small box etc.., But we want to primarily know that what does a disease means.Disease
The disease is defined as a disorder on function or structure in plants, animals and humans. Diseases produce specific symptoms on infected specific parts and it is not considered as a physical injury.
Diseases affected the human world from the human's early age to till now. Our immunity has withstood many diseases and also died too many diseases. Now, here we bring you some of the historical human diseases.....
It was started in 165 AD in ancient Rome. It was brought to Rome by the Roman soldiers who were returned to their camps near Eastern Rome. Rome is called as Iraq as of now. The disease name was Plague Antonine, In Rome, it is called as the Plague of Galen. The roman total army was infected by these diseases. There where 2000 people died per day.
This disease leads away to the spread of Christianity to the world.
2.Black death
It was started in 1341 A.D and brought to Europe by the native traders. The traders went to Asia and they were arrested and prisoned them with infected dead bodies, but they escaped from the prison and cause the spread of this virus. It is also a kind of plague. It caused the death of 25 million people which is approximately equal to the half of Europe population. The European Emperor order to shut down Europe. There was no transport between neighbouring countries.

This shutdown leads to two historic events: One is Great William Shakespeare with his great works are written during the shutdown Other is Issac Newton leads to the discovery of the Law of Gravity.
3.Cholera Then, later in the 19th century, a disease affected the whole world that started in 1800. It is originated in the Bay of Bengal. This disease is known as CHOLERA. This had originated in the Bay of Bengal 6 times. It is carried out to many countries through the traders. The traders are mostly British, French, Portugal traders passing through the Bay of Bengal. There was a rumour that the rich people made this virus to kill poor people. So, poor people raided the hospitals and the rich person's properties. There is no evidence for the death count of people because everyone was scared. So, everyone got afraid. There is no proper evidence for death but approximately it affects half of the world population.
 In London, during this infection, Dr.John found out pump water which spreads cholera. Then, he takes the pump threw it away it saved hundreds of people. The pump is still on the museum of Tropical Diseases
4.Spanish Flu It had started after the first world war, a massive disease was caused and it was called Spanish flu. It had originated in Italy. Later it spread to France, UK. This disease had killed one-third of the world population. So, People get started to follow social distancing. It helped very much to control the diseases. The main reason for the spread was the marching of two lakh soldiers towards Italy, later 4500 soldiers died in a week.
 The social distancing helped to control the flu. There was no transport. It helped the world to reduce diseases. 5.Hiv Aids It had started in 1979, a disease was found it has existed in old times. This disease is known as HIV AIDS. This disease has no medicine until now. It had affected the whole world with less number of affected people. Some patients are cured but this curing is a rarity. It doesn't fit for everyone. There is no global medicine for this.

| There was a rumour that this disease was originated when human and monkey mate with each other.
Significant mention of some diseases
1.SMALL POX: This had originated from China. The World Health Organisation (WHO) in 1980, declares that the smallpox is gone forever in the world. It caused 300 million people deaths. It causes blindness.
2.SARA COS VIRUS: It had originated in southern China. It affected 26 countries. In two years it affects 8000 people but only 776 people died. 3.CORONA/COVID 19 VIRUS: It had originated at Wuhan in China. There is no medicine found yet in the world. On 1980, The eyes of darkness by Dean Koontz, he mentioned Wuhan-400 virus it's related to this virus. Albert tweeted on his twitter on Jun 3 2013, he tweeted, Coronavirus, it's coming. There is a rumour that the government has created this virus to reduce the population.
*Note: The images in this post may or may not relevant to the topics.
It was awesome I likely to suggest you that add the scientific characters of diseases it's my opinion
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