
TOP 5 EXPENSIVE WOOD TYPES IN THE WORLD | Sandal | African blackwood | Dalbergia | Pink ivory | Ebony |

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     Trees have many uses like converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. It also helps us to get more rainfall in the world. The tree can also prevent soil erosions. It is an organic material. It is useful for many construction purposes. But we also need to save trees and plant more trees because they play a very important role in the survival of all humans. Now, we are here to bring you, ''Top 5 Expensive Wood types in the world''. Now, let's start...

5.African Blackwood

      The African Blackwoods are found in the Eastern Africa regions. This type of wood is also called as Mozambique ebony or Senegal ebony. The heartwood of this tree is dark. The wood is very strong. This type of African blackwood is used to make good furniture. It is smooth and also we can make lustrous by polishing it. Its scientific name is Dalbergia melanoxylon. It is an angiosperm plant. Its family is Fabaceae. Its order is Fabales. Its clade is Rosids. Its kingdom is Plantae.

 The cost of the African Blackwood per one kilogram is around $10,000.

4.Sandal wood 

    The Sandalwood has many medicinal and antiseptic uses. It also cools our body. It is mostly used in India. It is used as a paste in India during their holy prayers. It is also used to extract excess oil from our body. This wood has a strong and long good odour. So it is used in soaps, powders and candles. Its scientific name is Santalum album. It is an angiosperm plant. Its family is Santalaceae. Its order is Santalales. Its clade is Eudicots. Its kingdom is Plantae.

  The cost of the Sandalwood per one kilogram is around $20,000.

3.Ebony wood 

   Ebony is a dense hardwood. It is black or brown coloured wood. These type of wood is used to make costly wood ornamentals. This type of wood is found on the African continent. These types of woods play a major role in the making of wooden musical instruments. It is used in the making of Piano and Violin like musical instruments. Its scientific name is Diospyros ebenum. It is an angiosperm plant. Its family is Ebenaceae. Its order is Ericales. Its clade is Asterids. Its kingdom is Plantae.

  The cost of the Ebony wood per one kilogram is around $25,000.

2.Pink Ivory wood

         The pink Ivory wood is also called as the Red Ivory or the Purple Ivory wood. These types of woods are found in Zimbabwe, Mozambique and South African regions. These woods are also known as Umnini woods and Umgoloty woods. These types of woods are used in the Medicinal fields. They are also used as a remedy for some health-related problems to humans and animals. Its scientific name is Berchemia zeyheri. It is an angiosperm plant. Its family is Rhamnaceae. Its order is Rosales. Its clade is Rosids. Its kingdom is Plantae. 

    The cost of the Pink Ivory wood per foot is around $8.

1.Dalbergia wood

      Dalbergia wood is a very premier timber wood. It also has another name called as Indian rosewood. These type of  Dalbergia wood is hard to find in the world. These are only found in the areas of dense forest regions. Their native is Indian subcontinent and Southern Iran. Most of the wood producers don't produce these types of wood because it's costly and it requires a lot of man work to make furniture made of these woods. Its scientific name is Dalbergia. It is an angiosperm plant. Its tribe is Dalbergieae. Its subfamily is faboideae. Its family is Fabaceae. Its order is Fabales. Its clade is Rosids. Its kingdom is Plantae.

  The cost of the Dalbergia wood per foot is around $16.

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